Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Adventure

Today I went Christmas shopping at a new venue.  I've tried alot of the shopping areas close to the flat but I set out on an adventure today.  I wasn't disappointed.  It only took one train from Sydenham to London Bridge, a tube ride on the Northern Line to Bank, a change to the Central Line of about 10 or so stops and then 3 blocks of walking in the freezing cold.  In Los Angeles we have a beautiful mall called Westfield Topanga.  In London I found out they have a Westfield mall also.  It is the biggest mall in Europe.  Whoopee.  Anyway, back to my trek.  I arrived at my tube stop.  Here is a picture of it.
Seriously, that is the name of the stop.
Anyway, the mall was beautiful and very high end, glitzy and pricey.  I could'nt even afford to window shop in some areas.  However, I managed to find some fun Christmas gifts for our friends that are coming here for the holidays.  Be afraid, be very afraid.  Just kidding, you'll love them.  Anyway here is a picture of the dining area on the top floor.
So, after a successful shopping trip I decided to retrace my route back to Sydenham.  I went back to White City......hee on what I thought was the right train and waited, and waited and waited.
Come to find out that the train I was on had terminated at White City.  I got back out on the platform and two German tourists asked me if this was the right platform for Shephard's Bush.  I told them I thought that it was but that the train wasn't going anywhere.  Another gentleman overheard us and pointed us to the correct platform.  The Germans and I get on and the train starts moving.  All is well........then the train stops in total darkness......I said to the Germans...."Well, I don't think this is your stop!"......Train starts moving and ends up in Shephards Bush.  Yeah.  Finally retraced my route and made it back to the flat.  Another adventure ends. Hope you are having many Christmas adventures.....much love.......Deb and Jon


  1. LOL!! Wow! That IS an adventure! And stop shopping for Christmas! YOU guys are all the Christmas I want. :-)

  2. are sweet....but no....must shop!

  3. Interesting note - the first non-US Westfield Mall we ever visited was in Australia. It was the First Westfield ever built and is in a city called Black Town; now the largest Westfield is in White City. Seems all very Black and White to me...
