Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My first Snow Day

Ok, so when I woke up this morning it was snowing. Very exciting. I have never lived in a place that snowed before. Jon was born and raised in Colorado and always spoke of how he wanted to move back there because he loved the snow. I would tell him......send me a postcard. Now, we are living in London, and South of the Thames, where it doesn't snow as much.....supposedly. Anyhoo....beautiful this morning, took lots of pictures and then showered and decided to brave the elements and go down to the cafe to hook up to the internet. It is even snowing more heavily now and I'm pretty much over it. Without having all the bells and whistles to connect here, check out the pictures on facebook. Keep in mind, those pictures are when it wasn't snowing as heavily and when I thought it was pretty. Is it spring yet?

1 comment:

  1. Now you know why they have all those nice, cozy , warm pubs on every street corner and after a few pints who cares if it is snowing, just so you can stagger home at night!!! Can you find a pub with internet connection? Heaven!! Sounds like fun, wish I was there!! Love, Jim
