Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Holidays! GUEST BLOGGERS!!!!!

The Next Chapters of our Lives Blog has been hacked by three friendly 'yanks' from across the pond.  Dee Dee, Jason and Shaun have been here for the holidays with The Robinsons, and we are ready to spill all!  Okay, you actually don't get all of the dirt, but all of the papers here are quite 'sensationalised', so we thought we would hook you with a cheeky headline!

After cancelled and delayed flights, the Yankee Threesome finally arrived at Kelvin Grove for a fantastic holiday abroad with best friends.  For starters, upon a late arrival, Dee Dee and Jason's bags were thrown into the flat and everyone went off for a surprise Christmas Eve dinner at Oriental Fusion, where the menu had been hand chosen by their gracious hosts for the occasion.

Saturday 25, December 2010 (Christmas!)
‘They never left the flat that day….’ All met the morning with a traditional English Breakfast of ‘rashers’, mushrooms, beans, eggs, and potato cakes courtesy of Chef Jon and his lovely ‘Foxy’ partner, Miss Deb.
The stockings that had been hung by the faux chimneys with care, were ravaged with peals of childless care. Followed by, what would be only the beginning of MUCH frivolity. A mystery gift of an Hour with The Bean had us strangely curious….  For dinner, none other than a traditional Dickensian Roast goose ...
...with wild rice and chestnut stuffing was served with ‘mashers’ and enough food to, well, “stuff a goose!”  Okay…no laughter there, is there?... and now….. HEEERE'sss Dee Dee!
Whoo hoo! My turn! And so off we go to Bromley on Boxing Day to go shopping!!!! Oh yeah, there were pubs and eating, too.
Monday 27th we spent with the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London after a warm-up at the Horniman pub on the Thames.
After we rescued Shaun from the dungeon for ‘goosing’ a guard, dinner was spent at… wait for it….another pub.
This one was the Dartmouth Arms, where I had baked Camembert (OMG Yummy) and the carnivores feasted on venison chili.
Tuesday revealed the mystery of The Bean… a tour of the old Capitol Theatre and its’ resident ghosts by the local expert on this art deco structure from the past! FASCINATING!

Wednesday double header – I’ll leave the first adventure to Jason, but the afternoon saw us at the Dominion Theatre in the West End seeing We Will Rock You… the Queen Musical!
 Rocked, rocked, rocked!!!! But before that (enter Jason….)

“The game was afoot!”… Mrs. Hudson, Watson, Holmes. It was amazing. This was truly something for a Sherlock aficionado or anyone interested in Victorian times…

Thursday we ventured to the Borough Market to pick up noshing items for a get-together in Camden with some associates of Jon’s, and now our new London ‘mates’. Wild Boar Pate, cheeses, breads…
 ...we are really feeling like we actually live here, shopping, partying, riding trains, Tubes, and buses like native Brits!

Well, its New Year’s Eve here, and Deb has just filled us with the most bestest spaghetti ever.  Have no idea how we will get the dessert into our bellies... or how we will ever make it until midnight! You all will be celebrating tomorrow as we travel back across The Pond. What an amazing trip we’ve had, with the best hosts ever! Can’t wait to come back when there is a potential for sun, but at least the snow melted and many, many good times were had by all.
From the Clan, we are wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2011!
Dee Dee, Jason, Shaun, Deb and Jon


  1. And after all that the British Empire still stands!? Jolly good wicket says I!

  2. Amazing isn't it? Thanks for reading and commenting Jim. Love to you and Kathleen.xxoo
