Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Deb's Journey to Ikea and I mean Journey...

So what does one do when it is pouring rain and you are bored to tears.....that's right you go shopping.  I knew that the closest IKEA store was about an hour away, but it was in a different direction than I had been before on the buses. First the "197" which was packed, and then you connect with a tram, then you walk.  OK, not so interesting, but what happened on the bus was quite amusing.

After a number of stops on the bus, I was starting to get antsy, fearing I'd miss the tram and be stuck in B.F. Egypt in the rain.  Apparantly I was fidgety.  A lady behind me said "Excuse me, where are you headed?"  I said "The East Croydon Tram stop."  She said, "Oh , that is the next stop, you're ok."  Then, as if rehearsed, the rest of the ladies on the bus said in sequence........Take the tram, marked Wimbledon.......It's on Track 3....Going to Ikea then?......(head nod from me).....another lady......take the Amberly exit.....We all started laughing and I waved my hand around the whole of the bus and said....."Thank you Bus"!  I love it people are so friendly here. 

Did my shopping at Ikea, wine glasses, we now have six, two coffee cups and some candles and decided I needed to eat before my next tram, bus ride home.  I went up to the IKEA cafe and had some of their famous meatballs and berries. There were two older ladies sitting at the table and we struck up a conversation.....mainly because I have a very strange accent....and we visited for about 45 minutes or so.
They were very interested in America's politics and why on earth we would leave Los Angeles for England.  They said they see we did not bring the weather with us.....I apologized.

So all in all, a good day, wet, but worth the trip.

P.S.  Just so you know, the blogging is a blast but don't think for a moment that I am not homesick and miss you all terribly.
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. I'm astounded that you can communicate with anyone there. I mean, don't they all talk like the cast of the "Full Monte?" Who can understand that? Give me Ebonics and Spanglish any time!
