Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving or as they say in England "Oh, look it's Thursday".

As I sit in the cafe, wishing we had internet, I am reminded of all that I'm thankful for.
My health.....which is crap right now.....horrible cold.
My family.....who are a million miles away and one of them (Nikki) has a broken foot!
My friends....who also wish we had internet so that we can video skype.
My puppies...I wish I could scratch Annie's belly and smell Lucy's bad breath.
So.....Virgin Media, who had 3 weeks to get a permit called us late Monday night and said they would have to reschedule from Tuesday to sometime later in the week. ARRGH! But to quote our friend Shaun.."Since Thanksgiving is just a Thursday here, maybe we can hope for a Thanksgiving Miracle." Fingers crossed.
Seriously, and with all the love in my heart, I (we) wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and know that we are thankful for each and everyone of you.
Deb & Jon


  1. Pretty low key event here too. USC football has gone completely to hell this year. Cold outside. Tired of eating the same things over and over. 300 TV channels and nothing on any of them. Neighbors keep inviting us over to "help finish off the turkey." Ugh! Keep doing the same dumb things over again hoping for a different outcome. So be thankful you are somewhere new and exciting and different; relax and immerse yourself in it and absorb the culture! Love to you both, Jim

  2. I just learned something interesting: the Brits don't celebrate the fourth of July. Next year around the first of July see if you can figure out if and why this is true! Head scratching here! Love, Jim
