Friday, October 19, 2012

Christmas/New Years 2011-2012

Well, Christmas 2012 is around the corner and we are just now getting around to blogging about last year.  So now we bring you and us up to date. Ho Ho Ho!
We flew to L.A. on the 23rd of December, just in time to participate in Schnappy Christmas; which is an evening walk in Tarzana, to see Candy Cane Lane armed with Hot Chocolate and Peppermint Schnapps.  This annual event usually includes, Joe and Robyn Moshier, The Houstons, Nikki and Jon and I.  Charlie and Moki Moshier, the Yorkies, are dressed up as Santas and they get as much attention as the beautiful homes that are all lit up for Christmas.
A little tipsy and very much jet-lagged, we went to bed for a very "short" Long Winter's Nap.  We woke up at 3:00 a.m. and decided it was a perfect time to wrap all of our Christmas gifts that we brought from London.  Fueled by leaded coffee, we were done wrapping at 7:00 a.m. Next on the agenda was to drive to Northern California with Nikki and our grand dog Olivia.  We picked up Shaun's car at Sacramento airport and Nikki followed us to Shaun's house.  He graciously let us use his home and car for the week while he was visiting his family in Kentucky. When we picked up his car there was a welcome note and a "Glee" holiday C.D. all cued up for our drive.  We arrived at his home and were greeted by Miss Annie Bear (our combined dog) and a welcome pack from Shaun.  A Christmas tree was waiting with ornaments underneath it for Jon, Nikki and I to decorate.

Nikki made us open one package each from her on Christmas Eve.  They were "Forever Lazy" onesies.  They become our holiday uniforms.  On Christmas day, Joey, Anne and Khan (another one of our grand dogs) joined us.  We had a very nice Christmas reunion for humans and dogs.

Shaun returned a few days after Christmas and we drove down to Morada (Stockton) for a festive New Years Eve party at the Jaffee's.  Here is a picture of Jon and I in our Forever Lazies and Shaun in his Monkey onesie that we got him in London.  We had a blast in Morada, as we always do, and were quite sore from all the side splitting laughter that we had there.

We then flew to Seattle and drove up to Ferndale Washington to celebrate Christmas  with Jon's Mom Janet, his sister Karen and her son Jeremy.  They had a ball stuffing our Christmas stockings with things we can't get in England.....i.e.....Lipton Onion soup mix, Tapatio sauce and Jon's favorite deodorant.  We had a great visit in the Pacific Northwest.

A quick trip back to L.A. and a birthday party for Debbie's brother Wade, ("Vandy") in January, always celebrated with a
Sushi dinner.  On the day of our departure we got together with a few of the ladies from the Woodland Hills Woman's Club. Always good to see "the girls".

All good things must come to an end and we had to leave the US and come back to England.  We arrived only to discover that our boiler was broken and we had no heat or hot water for 5 days.  Thank goodness (or rather Nikki) for our Forever Lazies.

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