Friday, March 18, 2011

The Sun is Out

The Sun is out, must be time for a walk!

As I am writing this it is raining again, but last week the sun was out about 85% of the time. I decided to go for a walk. There is a beautiful park that we discovered when our guest bloggers were here in December, that is only two blocks or so from our flat.

The sign on this tree, says it all. No explanation necessary.

So on to exploring the park. The Daffodils are blooming and I came upon what I think is a huge Heron.

There is a lovely lake and weeping willow tree. It reminded me of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland – a perfect spot to sit, reflect and become a part of your surroundings. There was a young father with his son feeding the pigeons and ducks, lovers walking hand in hand and then another curious sign. If you can’t make it out it says “Danger Deep Water….Danger Thin Ice”…..brought me right back to reality.

This park is huge and some of the history is very interesting. It used to have healing wells and prominent people used to come and bathe here. One such person was King George. Alas, the wells are gone now but it is interesting that that type of thing went on so close to where we now live. Side note: The street we live on, Kelvin Grove, was bombed during WWII. The story goes that the Germans mistook this area for Central London. But I digress, back to the park and more pictures.

As I was making my way back to the top of the hill to walk back to the flat, I came across two teenagers, madly in love, approaching a bench to sit and enjoy the sunshine. Keep in mind that even though the sun was out it was still pretty cold outside. By the time the gal finally sat down, I saw what color thong she had on and all of the tattoos she had just above her butt crack; then she took off her sweater revealing a teeny tiny tank top. Hey, thanks for the memory.

1 comment:

  1. Team ex-pats, the next to last picture is quite startling: that's a lot of open park land! I thought Londinium was wall-to-wall Brits, cheek by jowl! But here you have all this open space. Somehow Donald Trump missed this property? Quite nice and green too, I guess the snow has melted. Love to you both, Jim
