Sunday, December 2, 2012

Halifax Chicken Soup

Fooling around in the kitchen one day using up some leftovers and came up with this tasty dish.  It also happened to be a rainy day (go figure) and this soup really hit the spot.

Here is what you'll need:
Yellow Onions (2)
Juice of one Lime
Chicken Thighs
Canneloni beans
Chicken stock (2 tubs or 2 cubes)
Sour Cream
Boiling Water
Herbs:  course ground pepper, garlic salt, herbs de provence
Crock Pot

Slice the leeks, shred the cabbage, dice the onions and put into a bowl.  Add approximately 1/2 a small container of sour cream and the juice of one lime.  Stir. Set Aside.

Dice the chicken thighs and saute with the herbs till done.

Put the above into a crock pot.  Add boiling water, chicken stock, beans and milk. Cook on High for an hour or two then reduce to low.  You may need to add more sour cream at the end.

Very tasty and worth a shot.

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