Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Tale of Two Cats

We are in training to be Grandparents.  Our neighbors have two cats.  One of whom, loves us to pieces and when he misbehaves we tell him to go home to his parents.  We only know the name of one of the cats.  His name is "Harrison".  He is the one who comes to visit, rubs our legs, runs into the kitchen and promptly uses our garden as his litter box.  We do not know the other cat's we just call him "Ugly."  Ugly is a tortoise shell cat who looks like he was painted by God on a day when he was very tired.  
Here are a couple of pictures of Harrison.  We don't have one yet of Ugly, but when we do we'll post it.
It really is very nice to have a pet to love and cuddle and not have any responsibility kind of like being a Grandparent I guess.

So, Nikki and Joey, when you do have children, make sure you tell us what their names are or who knows what we will call them!!!!  (Just kidding in all seriousness, we can't wait to be Grandparents.)
Just a short cat tale ...........over and out.

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