Sunday, February 13, 2011

What's on Page 11 this Week - Installment 3

The papers have been going through a bit of a dry spell in the amusing department (too much space being taken up by the economy, parliament, Egypt, etc.).  But there have been two stories of particular interest.  One about one of England’s main airlines, Virgin Atlantic, and a human interest story from Perthshire that felt a bit like Joey and Anne’s wedding license having the groom and bride mixed up.  Rather than paraphrasing, we’re going to show you these two “as is”.  Enjoy!
Stewardess, can you find my glass eye? 
Cabin crew are used to dealing with unusual requests from travellers – but a plea to find a passenger’s missing glass eye was the last thing they expected at 35,000 feet.  The incident was one of a host of bizarre experiences which came to light in a survey of the strangest requests made to Virgin Atlantic’s 3,000 cabin crew.
The gentleman in question had fallen asleep on a trip to Nairobi, but awoke to find his false eye was missing.  Sadly, it was never found.
Then there was the passenger on a trip to Los Angeles who asked whether she could have a cup of tea and a massage for her Barbie doll.  The most common bizarre questions were “please can you open a window?” and “can you show me to the showers?”
On a trip to Orlando, a passenger was aggrieved when told there was no McDonald’s on board.  The list of oddball requests also included “please take my children to the playroom” and “the engines are too noisy, please turn them down”.
and finally… 
A man aged 47 got the shock of his life when he ordered a copy of his birth certificate – and discovered he was registered as a 57-year-old woman.  Iain Macmillan, from Scone, Perthshire, found the document was littered with mistakes, including his place of birth being spelled incorrectly.

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