Saturday, January 29, 2011

California Dreamin'

So…..Jon had a business trip to Hong Kong (blog to follow) and I successfully dropped enough hints that I got a trip to California while he was away. (Christmas gift)  I apologize up front if I wasn’t able to see you while I was there.  It was a very short trip divided into Southern and Northern California.
It started out with Nikki and my "grand dog" Olivia picking me up at LAX.

I arrived (very happily) but my luggage did not. (Boo-Hiss)  Anyway, we celebrated my brother’s (Vandy/Wade) birthday at a sushi restaurant in Tarzana with him, Nikki, and Robyn and Joe, his daughter and son-in-law.

The next day was a luncheon put together by my friend Karen Brown and about twenty ladies from the Woodland Hills Woman’s Club.  Sadly no pictures to post, but a BIG thank you to all who attended and to Karen, who put it together and chauffeured me around all day.  Love you guys.
The following day Nikki and I had a leisurely mother/daughter day followed by a great BBQ dinner in Pasadena.

Wednesday, I had a short, but nice visit with my cousins, Kathleen and Jim and then back to the airport to fly up north. 
Shaun picked me up in Sacramento and back to his house where I had a very emotional “Mother and Dog(s) reunion (click here to view) --> Deb's Reunion with The Girls

I got to spend some quality time with them on Thursday and on Friday I got to see my baby boy Joey…….who is a 28 year old married man……whew!

Dee Dee and Jason Jaffee joined us Friday for a quick get together.  Wine, pizza, friends, family and dogs, does it get any better?

Then……back to the airport and a long flight to London.  A nice break for me filled with fun, laughter, and few tears but the best part…………….SUN !!!!!