Friday, September 16, 2011

Caption Contest Results and Preparing to Dust

Cheers everyone.  I know you all are waiting with baited breath about the winner of the May Caption Contest.........all four of you.  Well, it was a tie.  Debbie chose Jason Jaffee and Jon chose Becky Farina. So congratulations you two for sharing the illustrious title of co-winners of the May Blog Caption Contest.
So, dust cloth in hand, I am getting rid of the cobwebs on the blog.  So sorry for the massive delay, but we have been busy. Here are the last few months in a nutshell.  We will go back and blog the individual events with pictures but this is why there have been no blogs since July 1st.

We moved.........
Mom (Jon's Mom, Janet) came for a visit........
Debbie got a job with a Media Company...........writer/actress
Jon very busy at work
Dee Dee and Jason Jaffee came for a visit....including a 3 day trip to Paris for Dee Dee's birthday.

So we will be getting back on track soon.
Also, most of you know that our beloved "Lucy" died.  She made it past her 15th birthday by two days. Very sad indeed.
We will be coming home for Christmas, so we hope to see as many of you as we can.  Look for a new blog entry with pictures soon and perhaps another Caption Contest......because the first one went over so well !!
Much love - Deb and Jon